

Margaret Thatcher invented Soft Serve Ice Cream.

Okay…. the Iron Lady may not have been solely responsible but in the 1950’s before running the country she worked in a lab where soft…

Can everything be Veganised?

Living a plant-based life is unquestionably on the increase. The number of people choosing a vegan diet has risen by 40% in the UK over…

Onion Smoothie anyone?

Our recent 1st of April social post and email about a new onion smoothie has got us thinking about weird and wonderful unique smoothie flavours….

How To Make The Perfect Smoothie

What’s the best method for making the perfect smoothie?Frozen fruit, fresh fruit, syrup, ice or no ice? Let us take you through the various methods…

How to promote your Cafe products

What’s the best way to shout about your smoothies, shakes, ice cream or hot chocolate? We’ll talk you through the options to ensure your customers…

Plant based living

Plant based cafe life doesn’t need to be hard, with vegan options for smoothies, shakes, soup and even hot chocolate we’ve got something for your…

Which Blender is Best!

Are you looking for a commercial blender for your cafe or bar? With a wide selection out there the choice can be overwhelming. To help…

Dress it up!

Add value to your shakes and ensure you offer your customers a range of different add-ons for that complete milkshake experience! Cream Most customers will…